The Ayurvedic Blog
Ayurveda recognizes that with our constitutional uniqueness also comes our uniqueness in our connection to Love. AND, understanding this can be a gateway to more fulfilling relational spaces in our lives, more recognition of why we all love the ways that we do, and allow us to be more empathetic of our loved ones, our partners, our family and our friends.
Uttarayana: A Return to the Light
Ah, the winter solstice — that long period when the night is longest, and light is dimmest, where the energy around us shifts from dark to light. It's an exciting marker in nature that many cultures have celebrated throughout time as a way of honoring renewal and rebirth. In Ayurvedic tradition, this special season goes by a different name: Uttarayana — but what exactly does it mean?
5 Ways to ward off Viruses this Winter Season!
Ayurveda to the rescue!
According to Ayurveda, Winter Season is actually seen as the Healthiest! Ayurveda offers us comprehensive ways to preserve our healthiest balance (svastha) by living in an alignment with the seasons - Ritucharya.
Why You Should Cook Your Water!
Learn the benefits of drinking cooked water first thing in the morning, according to Ayurveda.
Warm Cinnamon Date Elixir Recipe
Make this simple Date Shake for easy digesting, energy and Ojas
How to Make Improper Food Combining Less Harmful
How to eat improper food combinations properly, according to Ayurveda
Autumn Baked Apples Breakfast Recipe
Discover why cooked apples are the true breakfast of champions
What is Diwali and How You Can Celebrate!
What is the holy festival of Diwali and how can you celebrate it?
The 4 Types of Agni (Digestion) According to Ayurveda
Discover the 4 different types of metabolism and digestion outlined by Ayurveda