Autumn Baked Apples Breakfast Recipe

Vata season (Fall) brings with it an influx of juicy, crunchy apples. These can be considered ‘half-sweet’ fruits, because they have less sugar and a lower glycemic index than sweet fruits such as banana, mango, pineapple, etc. Their higher levels of fibre also contribute to the bulking of stool and to proper elimination.
However, eating raw apples at this time can actually create more harm than good in the body, because the cold crunch will further aggravate vata.
When stewed or cooked with herbs and spices however, apples become friends to vata dosha, bringing the sweet taste (madhura), heaviness, warmth and oiliness (if cooked with oils or ghee), which are all medicine to counteract the effects of the excess air and ether energy that permeates the environment at this time.
In fact, cooked apples become warm and soft, just like a soup, and are thus spectacularly easy to digest for most! They become Tridoshic, and especially beneficial for both vata and pitta. Cooked apples are alkalizing, ojas-increasing and sattvic.
Thus, waking up to a breakfast of stewed or baked apples throughout the cooler, drier and misty mornings of Autumn is a beautiful idea to gently kick off the digestive process, without over-burdening agni, which naturally burns less intensely at this time of the day.
Stewed or baked apples are the perfect way to start the day.
So here is how you can prepare this true breakfast of champions, which we’ve made a little more deluxe with the additions of pears and dates, but if your digestions is truly compromised, you can always omit these and keep things simple until the time that your digestion becomes more balanced.
To learn more about the 4 different types of digestion according to Ayurveda, click here.
1 medium sized organic apples
1/2 organic pear
2 dates
1 tsp coconut oil (substitute ghee if non-vegan)
1 tbsp grated or minced fresh ginger
1 tsp organic pumpkin spice mix (or 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp cardamom, pinch of nutmeg)
Heat the oven to 400 degrees farenheit.
Chop all fruit and place in a large bowl. Pour melted oil or ghee over the fruits, add all spices and combine. Mix with your hands to foster a deep connection between yourself and your food. (When you connect the solar energy associated with the right hand to your food especially, you are activating its agni and preparing it to be digested).
Bake for 10-15 minutes depending on the type of apple.
Eat this breakfast before 8am if possible.
For another simple Vata-season breakfast, click here.