The Ayurvedic Blog
What does Ayurveda have to say about alcohol and what can you do to have your favourite drink safely and in alignment with Swastha (optimal health)?
December 16 2021
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Vegan Ayurvedic Golden Milk Lassi Recipe
Written By RASA AYURVEDA - December 16 2021
Make this super simple, delicious Vegan & Ayurvedic Golden Mylk Lassi Drink at home over the holidays as a digestive aid & source of protein!
December 08 2021
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The 2021 Ayurvedic Gift Guide!
Written By RASA AYURVEDA - December 08 2021
A conscious, Ayurvedic Gift Guide for the Wild Woman or Mighty Man in your life!
September 03 2021
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Ayurvedic Constipation-Relieving Tea
Written By RASA AYURVEDA - September 03 2021
Discover this tri-doshic, constipation-relieving tea that you can take for stronger and healthier bowels.
August 12 2021
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Recipe: Bulletproof Ayurvedic Coffee
Written By RASA AYURVEDA - August 12 2021
A quick and simple recipe for sustainable energy and nourishment without the caffeine-blues!
Recent Articles
The Ayurvedic Perspective on Alcohol
Posted on March 17 2022 -
Vegan Ayurvedic Golden Milk Lassi Recipe
Posted on December 16 2021 -
The 2021 Ayurvedic Gift Guide!
Posted on December 08 2021 -
Ayurvedic Constipation-Relieving Tea
Posted on September 03 2021 -
Recipe: Bulletproof Ayurvedic Coffee
Posted on August 12 2021
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