Vegan Ayurvedic Golden Milk Lassi Recipe

Lassi is a popular yogurt drink in India, that can be served either sweet or savoury. When eaten in moderation and with proper food combining practices in mind, yogurt lassi is a deliciously tasty beverage that can serve as a digestive aid, replenishing the gut with healthy probiotics, and is an excellent source of protein.
And with the addition of our Golden Mylk (turmeric latte drink mix), this particular recipe feels nourishing, grounding, warming (especially if prepared with warm water, which we highly recommend) and can serve as the perfect mid-day snack or digestive aid when eaten 30 minutes before or after a meal during the holidays.
This recipe is simple and the best part is that it can be modified to suit your specific Ayurvedic constitution. Below we have given Dosha-specific recipe modification recommendations. You will notice that we don't recommend this particular recipe for Kapha Dosha, as the heaviness, dampness and sweetness of this specific drink can be particularly Kapha-aggravating. Alternatively, Kapha constitutions can enjoy our Golden Mylk drink mixed into hot water.
Additionally, we recommend that Pitta constitutions enjoy this drink in moderation, as the sour rasa (taste) of the yogurt can lead to Pitta imbalance if taken in excess.
We hope that this traditional drink makes its way into your weekly diet and into the bellies of all those who may visit you over the holidays! To health & happiness!