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Pitta, meaning ‘to digest’ or ‘to metabolize,’ is the energy of transformation in us and in the universe. It is the energetic fire within our bodies and minds that manifests as direction, action, power and clarity.
On the physical level, Pitta is responsible for all the biochemical changes that occur within the body, such as the conversion of food into energy. It governs metabolism, digestion, assimilation, nutrition, and resultant body temperature, etc. When you sit down to your biggest meal at lunchtime (hint, hint, nudge, nudge) during the Pitta daytime hours of 10am-2pm, do you marvel at the miracle of Agni, the digestive fire that is so closely related to Pitta?
The energy of Pitta can also be found on a less obvious level. Everything that we take in through the senses must also be digested, metabolized and (hopefully) released just as easily as it entered into the realm of awareness. But unfortunately, for many of us, digestion at the mental and energetic levels can often be painful, sticky and even chaotic when the mind grips through desire and/or aversion. When Pitta is in balance however, impressions can flow through us and are processed with ease. Something that would have normally deeply affected us and left its imprint for days, months or even years, passes through more seamlessly, like stormy clouds move through the sky. Balanced Pitta also allows us to transform impressions into knowledge and understanding, making it an integral component to the learning process.
When Pitta goes out of balance within a body/mind, this person can become extremely hot-tempered. Emotions such as anger, frustration, impatience, irritability, jealousy, passive-aggressiveness and superiority can grow into resentment, hatred and violence if not treated. In extreme cases, it can result in physical violence and warfare. This is why it is so important that we treat aggressive tendencies of mind not as problems in themselves, but as symptoms of a deeper imbalance.
Luckily, Ayurveda teaches us how to balance Pitta and turn down and harmonize the fire!
In our extensive apothecary–our natural pharmacy–you can reclaim your right to mother nature’s medicine in the form of wonderful Pitta-Pacifying goodness, including:
Pitta is your friend! Until it’s not. Don’t come in like a wrecking ball. But do live your life aflame!
Does someone in your life who expresses the energy of Pitta, in its balanced or imbalanced form, come immediately to mind who needs to see this? Please share.
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