According to Ayurveda, extreme heat, or excessive "USHNA", one of the 20 Gunas, can be managed by applying the opposite and bringing relief rather that finding yourself afflicted by inflammation, skin eruptions, hyperacidity, and irritation. Cool it down folks!
Here are some Ayurvedic recommendations to deal with extreme heat:
1. Stay Hydrated: Hydration doesn't mean just drinking water, but it means drinking liquids at the right time and in the correct way. Drinking when we are thirsty is important, as well as drinking cool but NEVER cold or iced water. Drinking iced water can in fact kick up our internal agni (digestive fire) leading to further heating of the body. You can also include beverages that have a "SHEETA VIRYA", cooling potency, like coconut water, buttermilk, and herbal teas like peppermint, fennel, rose, coriander or by drinking our PITTA TEA on a daily basis!
2. Eat Cooling (Sheeta) Foods: Consume foods that have a cooling effect on the body, opting for juicy fruits like watermelon, cucumber, and sweet oranges. Include vegetables such as leafy greens, zucchini, and cilantro. Avoid hot and spicy foods as they can really aggravate heated symptoms.
3. Embrace Pitta-Pacifying Herbs: Ayurveda suggests also using specific herbs that have a cooling effect on the body. Some simple examples include coriander, fennel, mint, cilantro, and rose petals, which can all be added to your meals, beverages, or used to make refreshing herbal infusions. Or, you might reach for Amalaki, Neem, Triphala or our Skin Purge Potion or Liver Scrub Potion, which can all reduce deeply seated internal heat. Our PITTA SPICE MIX is a simple kitchen medicine that brings cooling and soothing qualities to your meals that will help to balance summer digestion and rid the body of excess inflammation and acidity. Our Spice Mixes do the work for you, bringing together Organic, Pure Spices to make your meals delicious and medicinal!
4. Protect Your Skin: Shield yourself from direct sunlight by wearing loose, breathable, natural clothing that gently covers the body. Use a broad-brimmed hat or umbrella to protect your head and face, as according to Ayurveda the head should especially be protected from this excessive heat. Apply a natural sunscreen and use Ayurvedic oils like coconut or sandalwood to nourish and protect your skin. You can protect your skin by using our very own ROSE WATER, which is Organic and made from fragrant Canadian Roses. Rose cleanses, purifies, firms and tones the skin. It is revered for its benefits in treating dry and aging skin. It lightens pigmentation, redness and swelling and is good for almost all skin tones.
5. Follow a Cooling Lifestyle Routine: Avoid intense physical and mental activities especially during the hottest parts of the day. Take a tepid shower or use a cooling body spray to refresh yourself. You can also apply a sandalwood paste on your forehead and other Marma points to cool down.You can spritz your face with our PITTA BOTANICAL TONER or our ORGANIC ROSE WATER to feel revived, calmed, and peaceful during or after work or your day in the Summer. Focus upon small periods of rest and relaxation, pausing throughout the day in the Summer months so that you don't get too heated or push yourself to overdrive. Avoid excessive exposure to electronic screens and stressful situations. Also make sure to spend time in the cool of the forest, getting your feet upon the moist earth or in cool natural waters. And, don't stay up too late (!) even if it is tempted by the longer days and the increased sunlight! Take some time under the moon, bathing and gazing, which brings calmness to body and to mind, and will send you off to bed in peace. Following these few pointing will offer you a fantastic guide for summertime routine that can benefit us all in these hotter months!
6. Seek Shade and Ventilation: Stay in shaded areas as much as possible and ensure proper air circulation in your living space. Use fans or natural breezes to cool down your environment more than AC if possible. Avoid staying in areas with stagnant or hot air.
7. Practice Pranayama and Meditation: Engage in calming practices like pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation to cool down your mind and body. Sitali Pranayama is especially a wonderful practice to learn and implement. Deep, slow breathing and focusing on calming your breath can truly help to reduce heat-related stress and promote relaxation. Pranayama and Meditation have always been a form of Medicine according to Ayurveda!
8. Ayurvedic Daily Rituals: Ayurveda offers specific remedies for heat-related imbalances, such as using sandalwood paste on the body, applying cooling oils like coconut oil, or drinking herbal concoctions like aloe vera juice. Two wonderful Rituals to do daily can be to wash the body with our PITTA UBTAN and to use our PITTA ABHYANGA OIL. This oil's Pitta-Pacifying qualities will help to leave you feeling cooled-down, relaxed and joyful, and your skin will beam with nourishment and moisture.
Follow these ancient Ayurvedic suggestions to have a calming, chill Summer! And Remember you can always consult with an Ayurvedic Vaidya, or book a consultation with Tiffany for personalized advice for your specific constitution and health conditions