Warm Rice Porridge with Ginger and Tahini

Warm Rice Porridge with Ginger and Tahini
Winter asks for this! This is a warming, nourishing recipe, which is especially balancing for Vata & Pitta Doshas during the Wintery Season. And, it's so delicious!
Preparation of this Delicious Nourishing Recipe
1. Soak rainsins overnight and then chop them slightly.
2. Heat a medium saucepan on low, and add sesame oil. When it is warm, add the uncooked basmati rice. Stir continually for 2-5 minutes, until it smells sweet and all the rice is coated with sesame oil.
3. Add the spices and raisins. Stir for one more minute. Add water and bring to a boil. Cover pot and lower to a simmer.
4. Cook until rice is tender about twenty minutes.