The Love Languages of the Doshas - Kapha

Kapha in Love
Kapha’s Gifts
As the Dosha of Water + Earth, Kapha can bring the gifts of security, stability, grounding, care, nurturing and longevity in their loving environments.
They are inherently steady, caring and service-oriented, and love to be of support to those around them. They are often great at providing commitment and reliability in partnerships, and can restore balance and harmony due to their skill for compassionate listening.
And, for those who love ease and calmness, Kaphas offer a soft, soothing approach to relationships due to their connection to the Water + Earth element. For them, loyalty and dedication are some of their greatest gifts, as well their capacity to make a home feel warm, safe and loving.
Kapha’s Challenges
Often our gifts can also be our challenges, so just as Kapha can offer steadiness and care as gifts, this can also be a difficulty in their Loving Relationships.
At times, due to the Water + Earth qualities, they can feel stagnant, immoveable, stubborn, attached, needy, smothering and regimented in their relational environments. This can lead to feelings of heaviness and boredom in coupledom and in friendships, or a feeling of possession and co-dependency.
They can also feel slow and stuck to those near them, and require patience and understanding to be inspired towards change or freshness. Moving too quickly with a Kapha can lead to them feeling overwhelmed by rapidity and reacting with rigidity.
Kapha’s Longings
Kaphas long to be loved in sweet, comfortable, affectionate ways. They love when a relationship maintains gentleness and harmony, and will respond to those who want to co-create a cozy and deeply connected space. Once in the depths of Love, they long to share devotionally and with softness and warmth.
They yearn for relationships where they can express their love and nurture the relationship through their servitude and support, as well as share physical affection.
Out of all of the Doshas, Kaphas love to cuddle, hold, caress and snuggle, and they long for relationships that thrive on tenderness, touch and closeness.
Does this remind you of someone you Love? Share it with them along with a little note to express to them how much you cherish the beauty of their Kapha presence in your lives.