Love Languages of the Doshas - PITTA

Pitta in LOVE
Pitta’s Gifts:
As the Dosha of Fire + Water, Pitta can bring the gifts of passion, romanticism, generosity, reliability, commitment, protection and decisiveness in their loving environments.
They can be radiant, charismatic, inspirational, impassioned, learned, and wonderful at planning and directing the course for themselves and those around them. They are often great at scheduling and organizing, and keeping their spaces in order, including that of the home or partnership environment.
And for those who love freshness and passion, Pittas offer a no-boredom approach to relationships due to their connection to the Fire element. For them, trying new things, as well as learning and adventuring in the inner and outer landscapes, can be important, and a gift to those they are connected to.
Pitta’s Challenges:
Often our gifts can also be our challenges, so just as Pitta can offer passion and intensity as gifts, this can also be a difficulty in their Loving Relationships.
At times, due to the Fire quality, they can feel extremely rational, tightly planned, easily-irritated, vigilant, and goal-oriented in their relational environments, making relationships feel more like tasks rather than joyful explorations. Sometimes their dominant Fire energy leads to sharpness and harshness in their actions and words, which can burn those around them.
They can also feel bored if a relationship doesn’t provide them with new experiences, insights and inspiration, leading them to seem more like the leader or the teacher, rather than a friend or a lover.
Pitta’s Longings:
Pittas long to be loved in intensity, passion and with single-pointed focus. They enjoy clarity of commitment and relationship goals, and being able to really be met in growing and learning together. They love when a relationship is kept alive and thriving, and will respond to those around them who want to explore new frontiers alongside them. They love to travel and journey and push their explorations to new edges, and it inspires them to do so in their relationships. Yet, they can also yearn for relationship where they can soften and relax, due to the intensity of their daily lives.
Expression through manifestation and activity, as connected to the Fire Element, is one of the most resonant ways to reach a Pitta’s heart. Learning something together, going on active dates, trying out a new sport or a new skill, will always be received well by Pitta. And, because they are more connected to the tangible, they love to give and receive gifts, especially practically useful presents and new experiences.