The Love Language of your Dosha - VATA

Ever wondered how your Prakruti, your constitution, determines the way you express, receive and share Love?
Ayurveda recognizes that with our constitutional uniqueness also comes our uniqueness in our connection to Love. AND, understanding this can be a gateway to more fulfilling relational spaces in our lives, more recognition of why we all love the ways that we do, and allow us to be more empathetic of our loved ones, our partners, our family and our friends.
In Ayurveda, as an important part of our Vihara Chikitsa (lifestyle medicine), the way in which we engage in relationships and love can be anchored in either great alignment and in turn bring harmony and balance to our bodies and minds, OR quite conversely, it can bring strife, disharmony and misalignment, causing and reproducing Vikruti (imbalances).
Knowing our orientation to Love & Relationships and recognizing this in others can be key to a happy, joyful, healthy emotional and mental field, which has great impact upon our overall radiance and healthfulness.
Let's begin by Understanding VATA DOSHA IN LOVE:
Vata’s Gifts:
As the Dosha of Air + Ether, Vata can bring the gifts of enthusiasm, creativity, positivity and the capacity to let go easily in their loving environments.
They can be spontaneous, fun, playful, fresh, open-minded, lighthearted, unhindered and inspirational in relationships.
And for those who love independence and spaciousness, Vata can offer this due to their connection to the Ether element. For them, lots of alone time and space for their own exploration can be important, and they can also offer this to those around them more easily.
Vata’s Challenges:
Often our gifts can also be our challenges, so just as Vata can offer spontaneity and spaciousness as gifts, this can also be a difficulty in their Loving Relationships.
At times, due to the Ethereal quality, they can feel ungrounded, unsettled, and feel anxious or nervous due to a lacking sense of stability and security in their relational environment.Â
They can also feel suffocated if the relationship doesn’t provide them with enough of their own space or if it becomes monotonous.
They love change and movement, so can at times be indecisive or feel uncommitted or aloof to others, but this lightness and malleability of being is simply how they move more comfortably through the world.
Vata’s Longing:
Vata Longs to be loved in great space and with mutual creativity. They enjoy vastness and want to be given the space for their own growth and for growth within relationships. They love keeping it playful, being dynamic, bringing diversity and trying new adventures together.Â
Verbal expression, as connected to the Ether Element, is one of the most resonant ways to reach a Vata’s heart. Words of affirmation, letters, text and voice messages, cards and notes, are all the perfect ways to connect with your Vata loved one.
Does this remind you of someone you Love? Share it with them along with a little note to express to them how much you cherish the beauty of their Vata presence in your lives.