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How to Use a Crystal Yoni Egg: for Self-Healing & Pleasure
So many women shy away from even the thought of purchasing and using a crystal yoni egg, because they simply don't know how they would even begin to use one. Suffice it to say, we were not taught how to be in intimate connection with our own wombs, reproductive organs and our sexual energy and power. But our healing and feminine embodiment literally depends on it.
The first step in your personal journey with a crystal yoni egg is to select the stone that most resonates with you. Here at Rasa Ayurveda, we carry our Yoni Eggs in 3 sizes as well as 3 crystals: Nephrite Jade, Black Obsidian and Rose Quartz.
Large: best for beginners, those who have had multiple vaginal births or experience prolapse
Medium: what we recommend to most
Small: for the advanced practitioner, requires much more control and skill
Nephrite Jade: offers a more neutral energy, good for all
Rose Quartz: offers a gentle and loving energy, connected to the heart chakra
Black Obsidian: removes negative energies and traumatic holdings stored in the pelvis
To begin your Yoni Egg practice, it is so important to make sure that the yoni egg is clean and sanitized. To clean your egg, boil a pot of water on the stove. Once the water has boiled, turn off the element and then place the yoni egg in the bath of just-boiled water. Be careful not to place the egg in the water as it is boiling, as the extreme heat can crack the egg, after which it is not recommended to continue using the egg.
Other ways to sanitize your egg are to simply wash the egg with warm water and mild soap or with a vinegar solution and then rinse with warm water.
Following this, you can then cleanse your egg energetically and spiritually. You can place your Yoni Egg under the moonlight on an evening of Purnima (full moon), when the power of Shakti is at its fullest and let it absorb her cooling, feminine energy. You can also smudge the egg with sage, sweetgrass or palo santo.
Then sit with your egg in the palms of your hands, or lie down and place the egg just on top of the sacral chakra (svadhisthana), and let the energies of the egg be absorbed while infusing your intentions for your yoni sadhana (practice) into the egg and into the Universe.
Once you are ready to begin your yoni egg practice, fill a glass with warm to hot water (not boiled water). Place your egg in the glass so that it can warm up. Ayurveda teaches us that warmth relaxes the muscles while cold creates contraction within the body.
Find a safe, comfortable, private and sacred space to lie down. Light candles, diffuse healing scents and play music that you love and that inspires pleasure.
If you are a beginner, you may wish to string uncoated and unwaxed dental floss through the drilled hole in the Yoni Egg, creating a pseudo leash that will give you greater control over your practice and allow you to remove the Yoni Egg easily and whenever you want to.
Warm our Sacred Yoni Elixir in a glass of hot water or place the bottle on a hot plate, and then when sufficiently warmed, coat the egg in this yoni-loving herbal oil formula. You can also apply Yoni Elixir the the outside of the Yoni and to the skin all around it and gently massage and caress the area of the pelvis with so much love and care, giving the nervous system the cue to know that it is safe to relax, which will in turn, ease the muscles of the pelvic bowl into relaxation and lead to deeper and greater pleasure. You can think of this time as self-foreplay. Give yourself exactly what you want and yearn for.
When you feel ready, and only when the Yoni is giving you a big 'Yes,' you can insert the Yoni Egg, slim side in first. DO not force this process. Give yourself all the time that you need and allow the innate intelligence of your yoni to guide and direct you. This depth of listening will foster the closest relationship you have ever experienced with your own sexual force, inspiring greater self-love, comfort in your body and confidence in your self.
From here you can simply allow the egg to rest inside of you for 15 to 20 minutes, sink into deep relaxation and meditation and let the energies of the crystal be absorbed into the many Marma points (Ayurvedic accupressure points) that line the inside of the yoni. Focus your energy on the breath and the movement of the belly rising and falling in gentle rhythm.
For a more active practice, try kegel exercises to strengthen as well as relax tension held in the yoni. Try to locate the Yoni Egg internally, using only the pelvic muscles, and from there inhale and try to squeeze the egg higher into the Yoni, then relax deeply on the exhale and allow the egg to gently descend again. Continue this practice over and over again, and let yourself relish in the subtle waves of pleasure that can arise. Note that, in the beginning, you may not feel much of anything and this is entirely normal. As you continue this practice, your yoni will grow more and more sensitized and you will be able to access pleasure from within the yoni, rather than simply from clitoral stimulation.
If you have laced dental floss through your yoni egg then removal will be very easy. This is the suggested option if you are anxious or worried about not being able to remove the egg. And if you have not used dental floss, you can simply squat over a towel and bear down internally until the egg naturally comes out. Take a few moments to relax, breathe and allow the effects of your practice to integrate.
The echoes of your pleasure and presence-filled sadhana will continue to ripple through your pelvic centre following the closing of your practice. Give thanks for your experience of coming into such deep communion with your self, your femininity, sexuality, creativity and with some of Mother Nature's most incredible natural medicines, and place your Yoni Egg on your altar in the velvet bag in which it came, for safe storage until your next rendezvous.