The Ayurvedic Solution to Bad Morning Breath

Are you or your partner waking up with bad breath every morning?
If so, go check your tongue in the mirror.
There is likely a slimy, filmy coating on it (really, go look)!
This unpalatable layer is a mixture of bacteria and food particles and the by-product of yesterday’s meals.
And this is why your breath smells so…yuck!
But luckily, Ayurveda has shared the most simple of solutions with us for thousands of years.
Tongue Scraping with a Copper Tongue Scraper is one of the easiest and fastest Ayurvedic practices in the Dinacharya morning routine.
Through the anti-bacterial properties of copper and the scraping action of using the tongue scraper, you will clear your tongue of this residue of the past (literally) and free your digestive tract of the heaviness of this left-over Ama (waste).
The benefits of Tongue Scraping go far beyond better-smelling breath, however!
Tongue Scraping also:
• Cleanses the digestive tract
• Harmonizes the Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) & our relationship to the Water Element (Apas)
• Cleanses around emotionality, imbalanced pleasure-seeking, pleasure-denial
• Wakes up the taste buds
• Balances the appetite
• Gently stimulates Agni (the digestive fire)
So, freeing yourself of bad breath and so much more, every day, will only contribute to the revelation of your own innate and underlying already free-ness.
This is health as prosperity!
Comment below if you can’t go one day without tongue scraping or if you're excited to try! 👋🏽