7 Full Moon (Purnima) Practices & Rituals for Harnessing the Energy of Chandra

We are quickly approaching the full moon, known as Purnima in the Vedic tradition, and as women, we might feel deeply and intrinsically drawn to her ripeness at this time. In her fullness, Chandra (moon) represents the blossomed and fruitous energy of manifestation, of Shakti. This energy holds exceptional power, and when we are living in attuned alignment with the rhythms of the constantly fluctuating moon, our intentions can truly come into full expansion in tandem with the building energy that peaks when the moon expands into pregnancy.
But in an overtly 'yang' culture stripped of this innate relationship to the moon and the feminine capacity for manifestation, we can feel lost and devoid of the nurturance, the power and the capacity to birth forward new life in all forms, represented by the engorging and waxing moon, and equally to be emptied and grow inwardly still, signified by the waning moon as it moves towards complete nothingness.
In this light, we at RASA believe it is so important to return into deep contact, and even communion, with the moon cycles. Which is why we have compiled the following simple, and virtually free rituals to practice to encourage the re-harmonization between your own body and the healing power of the moon.
7 Sadhanas to Practice on & Before the Full Moon:
In the early evening, during the 3 days leading up to the full moon and on the full moon night itself, begin to connect to and stoke the abundant energy of fertility and creative potential that lives inside of you, through these practices...
1. Celebrate & Offer Gratitude
2. Immerse Yourself in Nature
3. Celebrate with the Fullness of Rich, Blessed Food!
Eat nourishing, Ojas-rich foods that feel as if they are pulsing with vitality. Preference things that are juicy, sweet, comforting and celebratory. In India, Prasadam (blessed food) is given out during sacred gatherings and holidays and usually consists of sweets for sharing or rice with a lot of oil and ghee.
4. Connect & Socialize
5. Malasana (Squatting Posture)
This classical asana (yogic posture), is especially healing for women. It harmonizes and balances the Svadhisthana (sacral) and Muladhara (root) chakras, bringing balance to the sexual energy, regulating hormones, and activating the creative force.
Bring the feet hip-width-distance apart. Slowly, bend the knees and come down into a squatting position, pointing the toes outwards. If you can't bring your heels flat to the floor, place a cushion underneath them for support. Bend forward slightly, while keeping the spine long, and rest you palms on the floor or on a block. Breath slowly, and deeply. Imagine the esence of the full moon circling through your pelvis and root.
6. Shakti Meditation
On the night of the full moon, bring a Rupa (image or statue), of a sacred feminine figure or deity who you feel drawn towards. This could be one of the Mahavidyas, the ten great goddesses, or aspects of the Devi, from the Tantric tradition, or Mother Mary from the Christian tradition, or any other feminine form that calls to your heart. Bring her image onto your altar, offer her fresh flowers and Prasadam (blessed food), and begin a pracice of Bhakti (adoration) with her.
Practice Trataka, the ritual in which you gaze softly and steadily, without blinking, upon a form, and in so doing, come into union with the energy of that form. Try this with your chosen Devi for at least 10 minutes.
7. Moon Bathe
Sit or lie under the full moon, and let your body be saturated in her light and energy. Bring any crystals you may have, such as your RASA Ayurveda Yoni Eggs or Yoni Wand, to bask in the moonlight overnight. You may even want to leave your hand-hammered, 100% Copper Water Bottle or Copper Cup, full of water, out all night to absorb the powerful energies, and to be drank the next morning on an empty stomach.
Chandra Sadhana (moon practice) can quite literally alchemize your life. And as you begin to honor and worship this energy of Shakti, you will find a deeper embodiment into your own feminine form and an ability to harness the force of creativity and manifestation that is your birthright.
To really dive into your own sacred femininity, check out our founder, Tiffany's continuing Women's Ayurveda & Tantra online courses. Doors will open again soon for all three levels, so be sure to subscribe to be notified when they do!
Let us know in the comments below, how you celebrate the full moon!
And please do share this article with the women in your life. This truly supports the work we do here at RASA to enrich the lives of as many as we can through the magic of Ayurveda!
March 16 2021
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