End of Summer Tips for Pacifying Pitta

We are excited to announce our END OF SUMMER SALE, where, for a limited time, you will receive 15% OFF our entire PITTA-BALANCING LINE of apothecary products, found here.
Why are we making it easier for you to access these tools for pacifying Pitta dosha at this time?
It is well known in Ayurveda, that the end of the summer season is when Pitta dosha, comprised of the elements of Fire and Water, can especially become aggravated, even more so for individuals who are Pitta-predominant in their Prakruti (original constitution).
So how can we stay balanced, easeful and light during this time of heightened heat?
Here are a few Pitta-balancing tips to get you through!
1. Rise with the sun and retire by 10pm
Staying up later than 10pm leads us into the Pitta-predominant time of the night, which is why you might feel a sudden surge of energy and drive, and may mistakenly consider yourself a 'night-owl' if staying up late has become habit. Lights out by 10 is your new goal! Abundant energy and improved digestion will be your rewards come sunrise!
2. Start your day with Ayurvedic Coffee or Pitta Tea
The high acidity, sharpness and fiery energetics of coffee are particularly aggravating for Pitta dosha. without even mentioning the neurologically-depleting effects that caffeine can have on the brain, the benefits of reducing or entirely eliminating your intake of coffee are tremendous. Substitute with our caffeine-free Ayurvedic Coffee, a coffee substitute full of adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha and brahmi, or our Pitta Tea, featuring organic rose, tulsi, and lemon verbena, for a comforting cup of cool.
3. Avoid hot, spicy oily, salty, fermented and stale foods, as well as stimulants
These rasas, or tastes, cause an increase in Pitta dosha in the body and mind. Steer clear of them and favour the tastes of Sweet, Bitter + Astringent.
4. Limit your time spent in hot, humid and stressful environments
Stay out of the sun during the Pitta time of day especially (10am-2pm), when the sun is at its peak, and if you are in the sun, take regular breaks in the shade and immerse your body into cool, fresh water. Do what you can to remove yourself from people and situations that continue to ignite conflict and stress.
5. Massage your body with Pitta Abhyanga Oil
Every day, or as regularly as you can, give yourself the gift of self-massage, using the Pitta-balancing magic of our Pitta Abhyanga Oil. Infused with herbal oils (made in house) and organic and high-quality essential oils of shatavari, manjistha and neem and peppermint (just to name a few), your skin, tissues and organs will absorb and reap the benefits of this cooling and stress-releasing anointment.
6. Say bye-bye to acne and #maskne with our Pitta Facial Care Kit
Our 3-step, handmade and entirely natural Facial Care Kit for Pitta constitutions is acne and inflammation's worst enemy. If you don't believe us, read the mounting reviews submitted to our website, like this review of our Pitta Ubtan (facial cleanser/mask):
"I purchased the Pitta Ubtan cleanser for myself after buying it for my sister as a gift and hearing her rave about it. I've been struggling recently with breakouts and hormonal skin issues and after hearing how awesome it was for my sister's skin I decided to try it myself. I'm so glad I did! It's like giving myself a mini-facial every day. My skin soaks it up and feels so soft and smooth afterwards. My breakouts have lessened in severity and frequency and my skin is more balanced. I love this cleanser so much. It smells amazing and is made with so much love, it makes me feel so good knowing all of that goodness is going right back into my skin. Thank you Rasa for making such an amazing product!" -Sarah H.
For the dreaded #Maskne effect, an issue affecting almost everyone these days as mask-wearing becomes mandatory across so many countries, a simple spray of our Pitta Toner or Rose Water onto the inside of your mask a few times daily will help prevent and treat the irritation, oil build-up and acne that arises due to the lack of airflow, increased heat and moisture-retention that your mask will create.
7. Clean up you liver with our Liver Scrub Potion
The liver is considered a seat of Pitta dosha, which is why we highly recommend cleansing this vital organ at this time. Our Liver Scrub Potion is a simple way to assist the liver in its detoxification efforts of held Ama (toxic waste) from nutritional, environmental & technological pollutants, as well as from the garbage of heated emotional holdings.
Start by mixing 1/2 tsp into purified water, aloe juice or coconut water and take 2x/day. Continue for 1 month. Consult your Ayurvedic practitioner or doctor for personalized dosage recommendations. Or book an Ayurvedic Consultation with Tiffany to get the deepest results.
8. Play!
Pitta dosha, when out of balance, can manifest as over-intensity and a tendency to take life far too seriously. Remember that we came into form to experience and remember the simple and utter joy of BEING! Take advantage of these slower days of summer to get outside and play, laugh, be silly and be still. Listen to the singing birds, feel the breeze on your skin and roll in the grass! Winter will be here before you know it.
Now until Sept. 1 at midnight (EST), SAVE 15% OFF our entire line of Pitta products, as well as all the products mentioned above. (Discount automatically applied at checkout. Cannot be combined with any other discounts.)
And there you have it! Share this blog post to your friends and family members who need reminders to cool it and to enjoy this one and only moment, right NOW...
How else do you pacify your Pitta during the summer? Let us know in the comments below so that others might benefit from our shared tips and ideas.