Why You Should Be Brushing with Toothpowder Versus Toothpaste!

With so many options these days lining the shelves of drug stores and natural health stores for how to keep your teeth clean and sparkly, how are you supposed to choose between your standard toothpaste, a natural toothpaste and these seemingly new toothpowders?
The playing field doesn’t just belong to giants like Colgate and Crest anymore, and some of the little guys have come out with strange-looking powders that claim to clean just as well, if not even better, than the tubes of paste that you grew up with.
From an Ayurvedic perspective, cleaning the teath is an important part of the morning Dinacharya practice, called Dantadhavana. Historically in India, the teeth were cleaned with herbs that offered a bitter, pungent and astringent flavour, for their effective ability to scrape and remove Ama (toxins). And because the mouth is related to Kapha Dosha, it accumulates waste daily, which is especially apparent in the mornings, after the body has spent many hours in a Kaphic state of sleep.
But traditionally, people were not brushing their teeth with plastic bristles and plastic-encased tubes of paste. Rather, chewing sticks, like neem–that were naturally found growing in nature–would be used. Otherwise, toothpowders, made of natural herbs, would be made at home.
But the western world has been overtaken by the invention of toothpaste since the 19th century, combined with very clever marketing. So much so, that seeing a jar of toothpowder on the shelf of a health food store or pharmacy seems like a fairly new phenomenon.
And these standard toothpastes come with a hefty cost on your body and on the environment. Most of these pastes contain toxic ingredients, such as fluoride, preservatives, binders, foaming agents (no foaming agents, no foam), flowing agents and artificial flavourings and colours. Then they are packaged in one-time-use plastic that will never break down naturally in the environment. This means that all the ingredients that make up the plastic tube will eventually leach into our earth, our water system, our plant and animal-life, and eventually, make its way back into our bodies.
Therefore, its easy to see that your choice in tooth-cleaning products truly does matter.
Here at RASA Ayurveda, we offer a traditionally-inspired, but very modern-day choice for dental-cleaning, in our Ayurvedic Toothpowder! Made of 100% natural and organic ingredients that are all born of this earth (rather than a petri dish), this toothpowder is hand-made with great care and love.
Not only that, but our Herbal Toothpowder has a cleansing effect on the digestive system with ingredients, such as Neem, Charcoal and Himalayan Pink Salt, that gently cleanse the digestive tract and remove stagnant impurities.
So what are the ingredients in our Toothpowder? And can they really clean your teeth just as well as a regular toothpaste?
The Herbal Toothpowder Top Ingredients:
BENTONITE CLAY: Bentonite clay is a hugely popular clay in wellness circles today. Due to its absorbent properties, bentonite clay aids in the process of detoxification by absorbing and binding toxins to itself. It is also highly alkaline, making it an excellent support for pH rebalancing and reducing the acidity of the mouth, gums, teeth and digestive system.
ACTIVATED CHARCOAL: This beautiful, jet-black powder may alarm you at first (won't it stain my teeth black?), but you will love the charcoal's ability to naturally absorb and remove toxins and chemicals because of its porous nature.
CLOVE: Clove is naturally anti-bacterial, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic (meaning that it helps relieve pain), which is why it is often recommended to suck on cloves in the case of a toothache or dry socket. It is also heating, causing improved circulation and digestive benefits.
NEEM: Neem is a super-herb used throughout the world and in Ayurveda, especially known to promote healthy hair & skin, to purify the blood and liver, and to support internal detoxification. It is highly antifungal and antimicrobial.
AMALAKI: Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is a fruit revered for its digestive and eliminatory benefits and for its cooling capacity for pitta conditions in both body and mind. Thus, it is excellent for warding off and preventing inflammatory conditions in the mouth and digestive tract.
BAKING SODA: Baking Soda has mild abrasive properties that let it break the bonds of molecules that stain the teeth. It also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that can help fight harmful bacteria.
HIMALAYAN PINK SALT: Also, known as Saindhava in Ayurveda, Himalayan Pink Salt is so highly revered. It is a natural detoxifier and supports healthy and strong Agni (digestive fire, metabolism). It is tridoshic and offers a calming effect on the nerves and emotions.
And these are only some of the ingredients!
When paired with a complete Dinacharya routine, including Tongue Scraping (Jihva Nirlekhana) and Oil Pulling (Gandusha), brushing with our Herbal Toothpowder will lead to whiter teeth, freshened breath, less trips to the dentist, and a happier digestive system!
Wet your toothbrush with water or coconut oil, dip gently into the Toothpowder and brush as normal! Yes, your mouth will be black while you are brushing, but after spitting and rinsing, all blackness will disappear, leaving nothing but squeaky clean teeth!
August 21 2021
Hello Tara! It does not include any Sodium Lauryl Sulfate! Please email us (info@rasa-ayurveda.com) if you have any more questions at all.
Tara Ojah Maharaj
August 21 2021
does this powder have “Sodium Lauryl Sulfate”?