Pitta Skin Care

Pitta skin is beautiful. Often delicate and characterized by a warm, glowing undertone and freckles, beauty marks or moles, this Ayurvedic skin-type is comprised of the elements of Fire and Water, predominantly.
Predominating Elements (Mahabhutas): Fire (Tejas/Agni) + Water (Apas)
When balanced, this type of skin is clear, but with a warm, moist and dewy glow. And although, because of its sensitive nature, it may be more sensitive and prone to irritation than other skin types, with proper lifestyle, diet, sleep hygiene and appropriate herbal protocols, this skin can remain a source of health and vibrant glow always!
However, when Pitta skin falls out of balance, which can be especially possible in Pitta Season (mid May to about mid September, depending on location), you might notice that your skin goes from clean and clear to excessively red, oily, inflamed, acneic, sensitive, and even sunburnt if too much time frolicking at the beach is had.
So what can a Pitta skin-owner do to keep themselves in balance at all times?
Pitta Skin Care Tips:
- keep sun exposure to moderate amounts, wear non-toxic sunscreen and a hat
- avoid or limit Pitta-increasing foods and drinks, those that are Sour, Salty & Pungent (spicy), as well as fried, excessively oily foods, coffee (substitute with Ayurvedic Coffee) and alcohol
- favour Pitta-reducing foods that are Sweet, Bitter & Astringent, as well as those that have a cooling and calming effect
- drink coconut water all throughout the summer, you can even apply fresh coconut water or aloe vera to the skin
- drink Pitta Tea or CCF Tea daily
- drink Ayurvedic Coconut Takra in the summer to cool down instantly
- drink cilantro juice by blending a handful of fresh cilantro with water
- after waking, drink approximately 750ml of slightly cool (not cold) or room-temperature water (warm in the winter) with a pinch of ground coriander or Saindhava (Himalayan Pink Salt)
- engage in exercise that is moderate in intensity, non-competitive as well as playful and fun, and avoid exercising during the Pitta times of the day (10am-2pm & 10pm-2am)
- go for pleasant and slower-paced walks in nature that have no agenda, or for a soothing and moderate-paced yoga practice
- spritz our Organic Rose Water or Pitta Botanical Toner on the face and body after exercise and on especially hot days
- practice daily meditation of following the breath or internally repeating the Mantra So (on the inhale) and Hum (on the exhale)
- Practice Shitali Pranayama (the cooling breath)
- practice moon bathing in the summer, as the moon (Chandra) represents the feminine, yin and cooling aspect of nature
- practice Moon Trataka: gazing at the moon for a few minutes without blinking
- sleep by 10pm max (the beginning of Pitta time) and wake before sunrise
- consider taking herbs like Brahmi, Neem, Shatavari, Gotu Kola, or our Skin Purge Potion & Liver Scrub Potion (consult with an Ayurvedic doctor or practitioner to make sure these herbs are right for you)
- practice daily Pitta Abhyanga with our Pitta Abhyanga Oil to soothe the body, skin and muscles and to infuse the blood and organs with cooling herbs like Shatavari, Manjistha, Brahmi, Neem and Peppermint
- use our Pitta Facial Care Kit with our Ayurvedic Kansa Wand twice per day for the best results for your unique skin. We also offer this kit without the Kansa Wand.
These tips will keep Pitta Dosha in check, naturally, and your skin will express the rewards of this loving self-care process. And the rest of your body will rejoice just as much!
Tell us what you do to keep your Pitta Skin healthy and happy!
To learn more about Pitta Dosha, click here!