Love & Sex According to Ayurveda

Leading up to Valentine's Day, Tiffany offered a live webinar focused on the Ayurvedic and Vedic perspectives on Love and Sex.
She began by sharing and explaining that there are 5 different forms of Love outlined in the Vedic tradition:
PREM - unconditional love
MAITRI - friendship, friendliness
SHRINGARA - romantic love
BHAKTI - devotional love
KAMA - pleasure, desire, sexual love
When we think of love in the western world, it is typically presented exclusively in a romantic or familial context, but according to the Vedic tradition, there are so many other forms of Love’s expression.
And in an integrated and mature being, all 5 forms of Love can be experienced and held simultaneously.
Also, in the Vedic tradition, unlike in some other spiritual or religious traditions, pleasure, known as Kama, is not considered something to be denied or demonized. In fact Kama, or right pleasure, is considered one of the 4 aims of life (Purusharthas), and thus, an essential pillar of fulfilling your Divine purpose in this lifetime.
Purushartha actually means, 'for the purpose of the Self.' From this translation, it becomes obvious that healthy pleasure is in fact one of the pathways towards deeper spiritual self-knowing and liberation.
We actually become more liberated when we explore and express what brings us pleasure, including art, music, dance, beauty, sensuality, intimacy and sex. When pleasure is pursued with conscious awareness, with the intent to become even more present through the sensory experience of any delightful activity, Kama becomes an essential aspect of your human life, leading you more fully into Now.
In this way, we can take so much relief in the letting go of any conditioned stories around needing to feel guilty for desiring and enjoying loving, sexual pleasure. Our pleasure and sexuality can, in fact, become a portal for waking up even further through our bodies.
To learn more about the 5 forms of love, sacred pleasure and more, watch the entire webinar replay here: