7 Practical Ayurvedic Cleansing Tips

So you want to jump into your own, at-home, self-made Ayurvedic Kitchari Cleanse? Well, it's no surprise, since we here at RASA Ayurveda are so encouraging of regular seasonal cleansing, and with the launch of our KITCHARI CLEANSE KITS, we've made Ayurvedic cleansing at home so simple and accessible to all.
If you're brand new to the cleansing world, however, the thought of committing to a mono-diet for a period of several days can bring up a lot of questions and anxieties.
"What will I do if I get constipated without my daily coffee?"
"Can I continue my regular workout routine?"
Without clear answers to these and other worries, we might postpone our cleanse in the name of our uncertainty and miss this potent opportunity to cleanse, reset, soothe and heal the body and mind.
Here are a list of 7 common questions that can come up during an Ayurvedic cleanse, including:
1. What to do for Constipation
2. Water Consumption: How much?
3. Exercise: What kind + How much?
4. What if I get hungry between meals?
5. Can I drink coffee & alcohol?
6. Can I eat onions & garlic?
7. How do I manage strong emotions?
To learn how to make Kitchari, as well as how to adapt the foundational recipe to suit the needs of each Dosha, click here!
To purchase our 3 or 7-day KITCHARI CLEANSE KITS, click here!
Please share this blog with anyone who would benefit from an Ayurvedic cleanse - meaning EVERYONE!!!