Tiffany has lovingly curated the 50 Hour Ayurveda Online Immersion after years of her own infusion, immersive study and clinical practice in Ayurveda. After more than a decade of witnessing countless examples of the many ways in which Ayurveda changes and enhances lives, she wanted to create a course that would give the foundational basis for others to truly live and flourish in Ayurveda. This is how the Ayurveda Online Immersion came to be born!
This Immersion has been very carefully crafted to bring the wisdom of Ayurveda in its depth and authenticity, so that it is both understandable and applicable for a modern life. Tiffany has compiled the foundational teachings of Ayurveda into 16 modules to create a course that provides a profound and comprehensive understanding of this ancient wisdom. You are given a depth of understanding, innumerable tools and a truly inspired invitation to live Ayurveda. Each of the modules is rich and deep in itself, and yet is presented in a way that allows for joyful integration and a growing love for living Ayurveda.
Between our online sessions, you will be given integration invitations and exercises to aid you in your exploration of the teachings. You are offered guidance on how to take the teachings beyond concepts and to explore, engage and apply the various insights to make them part of your daily life.
One of the highlights of the immersion is the constant time allotted for questions and guidance, as well as the private session you have with Tiffany, which allows for you to truly apply the teachings to your unique life and needs.
Investment: $975 CAD
Schedule: Wednesdays: 9:00am-12:00pm • Starting November 15th, 2023
Suggested Reading: Textbook of Ayurveda, Volume 1 – Fundamental Principles (Dr. Vasant Lad)